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Ţar er t.d. núna veriđ ađ segja frá ţví ađ á Sćnskri lögreglustöđ var nú veriđ ađ panta WC pappír í fyrsta skipti í 20 ár. Ţví vegna mistaka í pönntun fengur ţeir óhemju magn af WC papír svo mikiđ ađ ţađ dugđi ţeim í 20 ár. Var svona ađ velta fyrir mér gćđum pappírsins eftir geymslu í 20 ár.


Toilet roll finally runs out

A Swedish police station has ordered toilet paper - for the first time in 20 years.

In 1986, an admin error meant the police station in Hagfors ended up with 20 years worth of paper.

A worker ticked the wrong box that meant they got sent 20 pallets of toilet roll instead of 20 packets, reports Metro.

Officials tried to return it, but they were told to do so would be time-consuming and expensive.

Einnig er ţessi sérstök en ţar segir frá ţví ađ smáskífa međ söng kinda reynist svo vinsćl ađ ţađ er verđi ađ gefa hana út aftur.

Singing sheep in demand

A single featuring singing sheep is to be released for the second year in a row due to public demand.

The Baarmy Sheep's version of Jingle Bells appeared on the Cumbria Tourism website last year and received thousands of downloads.

This year, the website has been inundated with requests for the song from around the world.

A Cumbria Tourism spokesman told the BBC: "We really had no intention of releasing this single again and the plan had been to quietly retire the Baarmy Sheep for good.

"We have been amazed by the amount of people who have been in touch wanting to hear them, so we are making it available again absolutely free from our website.

"Clearly there is still an appetite for the Baarmy Sheep and if Slade can re-release Merry Christmas Everyone after 30 years we can do this."

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Magnús Helgi Björgvinsson
Magnús Helgi Björgvinsson

Skoðanir Magga um menn og málefni í fréttunum. maggihb@gmail.com Athuga að þetta eru mínar skoðanir og þið megið bara hafa ykkar hentisemi, því ég er að nota mína.

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