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Telegraph talar um ţađ í grein í apríl ađ viđ gćtum ţurft ađstođ IMF

Í grein sem ég rakst á  inn á vef Telegraph og fjallar um mögulega nýja framtíđ IMF ţá nefna ţeir ađ ađstođ viđ Ísland gćti markađ nýtt upphaf fyrir sjóđinn.

Analysts think that if the credit crunch worsens, there is a chance the IMF may be called upon to bail out Iceland in what would be the first rescue of a developed country since Britain had to call upon the fund in the 1970s. Some even think that if there is a genuine rout of the dollar, the IMF might have to pump cash into the US economy.

Og annari grein frá 23 mars 2008 sem vísađ er í ofangreindri grein stendur m.a.

Landsbanki, the second largest bank, owns Icesave, one of the fastest growing online savings banks. By offering one of the highest interest rates on offer, Icesave has attracted Ł5bn of retail savings and 150,000 customers in 18 months.

Meanwhile Baugur, the Icelandic investment company, owns high street names including Hamleys, House of Fraser, Karen Millen, Oasis and Iceland, the budget supermarket chain.

There are concerns that these investments could be vulnerable if Iceland's banks are put under any more strain.

Iceland's prime minister, Geir Haarde, has tried to reverse the negative sentiment. He said: "The CDS spreads are totally out of line and not justified given the fundamental situation of the banks."

But his pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

In recent days Moody's Investor Services, the ratings agency, downgraded the financial strength ratings of the top three banks - Kaupthing, Lansbanki and Glitnir - over concerns about their asset quality following years of rapid growth. Last week, the Icelandic krona touched a record low against the euro, tumbling another 6.2 per cent with one euro worth IKr127.96. It has fallen almost 25 per cent this year and 17.2 per cent this month.

One trader said: "The currency is in free flow. The banks are under serious pressure and sometime they're going to have to take a hit. We might all be wrong but this could cause fireworks."

Takiđ sérstaklega eftir ţvi sem stendur hér neđst. Ţađ er ljóst ađ greinendur erlendis voru löngu búnir ađ gera sér grein fyrir í hvađ stefndi.

Greinarnar eru Fear of Iceland bail-out could signal new future for the IMF frá 8. apríl 2008 og greinin um vandamál krónunar er Iceland shows cracks as the krona crashes frá 23.032008

mbl.is Stjórn IMF rćđir um Ísland
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